Saturday, August 18, 2012

1 Simple Way to Super Charge Your Shopping Trips

Copyright iStockphoto/ David Sales
Computer Genie

To make the best of your shopping trips the golden rule is to be organized so you buy what you need at the best possible price.
The old fashioned way to make the most of coupons is to save them in a coupon binder, which can get really heavy and hard to maintain.
The new and smart way is to use technology to do the heavy lifting for you by using an online coupon organizer to set alerts for all the brands you use often around the house for children, pets, health and beauty. After all, those one time flash deals are not the best way to save. It is the regular savings that add up. Sign up today for a free online coupon organizer and get a free virtual assistant working to find coupons for you 24/7 at