Saturday, August 18, 2012

1 Simple Way to Super Charge Your Shopping Trips

Copyright iStockphoto/ David Sales
Computer Genie

To make the best of your shopping trips the golden rule is to be organized so you buy what you need at the best possible price.
The old fashioned way to make the most of coupons is to save them in a coupon binder, which can get really heavy and hard to maintain.
The new and smart way is to use technology to do the heavy lifting for you by using an online coupon organizer to set alerts for all the brands you use often around the house for children, pets, health and beauty. After all, those one time flash deals are not the best way to save. It is the regular savings that add up. Sign up today for a free online coupon organizer and get a free virtual assistant working to find coupons for you 24/7 at

Sunday, July 8, 2012

From Coupon Clutch to Coupon Queen, Give Yourself a Makeover

Coupon Queen
What is a coupon clutch?
A coupon clutch also known as coupon organizer is simply a way for you to keep track of all your coupons, sales events, and keep a record of your favorite brands. These come in various forms like cloth purse-like coupon clutch, accordion binder or even paper envelopes. Because coupons can be time consuming and confusing, using a coupon organizer is a good idea. 

Why are old methods ineffective?
When most of us think about organizing coupons, we picture clipping them out of an ad our out of the newspaper or a mail insert and putting them in a coupon organizer, which is organized in categories like frozen, organic, diary and so on. Then, we keep a list of all the sales and stores we want to hit.
But what if we want to quickly find out what sales are ending today or search by name or change the way we categorized the coupons in our caddy. It doesn't always work out because it can be very time consuming to keep track of things the manual way. Plus, what if you lose your coupon caddy or want to carry it with you everywhere? It can be very difficult to replace or it is very bulky to carry with you all the time.

Why should you use an online coupon organizer?
Online coupon organizer goes above and beyond a regular coupon organizer. When you convert to an online version of the coupon organizer you can do a lot more:
  1. When you set alerts for your favorite stores and brands, it does the search for you.
  2. You can organize or sort by start/end dates, categories or name.
  3. You can get useful reminders summarizing a list of sales and coupons from your favorite stores and brands.
  4. With a smartphone version, you can also carry your coupon organizer with you anywhere you like.
Will going from manual to electronic save you time?
You bet, because the manual effort involved in searching and organizing coupons is either eliminated or minimized. Saving money by using coupons is a good thing, but if it takes too much time it may result that you cannot use most of them. By simplifying the process you can make it all worth your while. Save more money on your groceries and other services by spending less time. It's a win-win situation!

How do you get started?
All you need to do to get started using this coupon organizer is sign up for a FREE account at Eventbin. Spend some time browsing the FAQ, so you can get a feel for how it works.